Agroforestry: The Best of Both Worlds
People have had trees in their farmland—and crops in their forests— for thousands of years. Agroforestry is somewhere in between “ag” and “forestry,” where trees play a useful function alongside other crops. It can mean adding a few trees to fully-developed farmland, adding a few crops to fully-mature forest, and everything in between.
Why Agroforestry?
It can seem counterintuitive at first: crops need sun, and trees block the sun. People have spent hundreds of years clearing trees to create farmland. If you have a hayfield, I’m sure a tree fell on the edge of it last year. Ag is “clean” and “civilized,” forests are “messy” and “wild.” Most trees don’t pay the bills year after year, at least by themselves.
But with careful design and planning, trees can play a really interesting role in making our landscapes work, for us and for others. Here’s why: Trees can use vertical space in ways that conventional crops can’t. Landscapes with trees often intercept more sunlight than those without, which means there’s more raw energy being captured by the system. Trees are made of wood, which can be turned in to boards, or at least used by the parasitoid wasps and woodpeckers that feed on crop pests.
And trees have these big, deep root systems, with all kinds of fungal associates, that can provide stability alongside crops that need tillage or fertilizing. Many plants can get “saturated” with sunlight, so a light, shifting shade can actually be beneficial. (See: sunflecks). Trees can make fruit, they make tons of flowers, they have caterpillars that feed songbirds, they’re nice to look at, and once you plant them (if you do it right!) they can be there for dozens, if not hundreds, of years.
So we have these powerful tools at our disposal!
And there are some standard ways of arranging things that can get us to additive yields, or overyielding. The idea is, if a unit of land is covered with all Crop A, it will produce 100% of Crop A, and 0% of Crop B. The reverse is true, too, of course. But in an overyielding scenario, if you grow half the land in Crop A, and half the land in Crop B, you might get 60% or 70% of the normal yield for both crops. It’s less of each individual crop, but the total productivity can be 120% or 140% of what a monoculture would yield.
It’s the theoretical sweet spot for agroforestry systems, where you get a disproportionate benefit when you add complexity. There’s research to back it up: we know that overyielding systems exist. The hard part is arranging them right.